Must-Have Features in Modern Feeding Chairs for Busy Parents

If you’re getting ready to introduce solid foods to your baby, a feeding chair can help them sit up and take part in family mealtimes. The best feeding chairs have safety straps to keep them secure and an adjustable footrest so your child can rest their feet in a stable position. Some also have a comfortable cushion for babies to lean back against, which improves their posture and motor skills while eating.

If your infant has special needs, a feeding chair can be an important tool for therapists to use with them. Many children with disabilities have reduced postural control that can lead to oromotor difficulties and impact the swallowing process. Postural control is critical to successful eating and therapy positioning in a feeding chair can significantly improve a child’s ability to swallow.

Some pediatric feeding chairs are designed for infants and some toddlers and have a tray that attaches to the seat, allowing the child to self-feed or be fed by an adult. These chairs help reduce distractions and food sharing among siblings, and they give an infant or toddler a dedicated space to eat that can’t be easily disturbed or moved.

Other types of feeding chairs, such as the Rifton Activity Chair, have a footrest that can be raised or lowered to accommodate different size children. These chairs are a good option for families who want their child to be able to reach their food independently and may need to wait until the child is more mature to start using a tray at all.

Having a designated place to eat can also help establish a daily structure around meals and encourage a positive feeding environment for the infant or toddler. This consistency in mealtimes can promote a sense of calm and stability that helps children learn to self-feed or be fed by an individual who has their full attention.

A high chair can also provide a comfortable spot for parents to feed their baby or toddler during family mealtimes, so they can participate in the family conversation and bond with their loved ones. In addition to promoting family unity, sitting together at the table can teach babies and toddlers about social interaction and healthy habits.

While many mothers choose to breastfeed their baby in a nursing chair, this type of chair can be useful for any mother who plans to use it to feed her child. Many of these models have convenient storage options for moms to store a variety of items, including nursing pads and nipple cream. They’re also lightweight and easy to clean, so they won’t get in the way of a busy household. If you’re considering purchasing a nursing chair for your baby, make sure to check out the top-rated brands on the market. They’re sure to fit your baby and home and make mealtimes more enjoyable for everyone.